Barry Clark
/in /by clerkJames Brittain-Jones
/in /by clerkJo Trice-Rolph
/in /by clerkJo was born in Todenham and has lived here off and on for most of her life, Jo moved back permanently in 1997 with her two young children. Now adults, they both live in the village. Jo has worked locally as domiciliary chiropodist since 1999.
Jo was on the Village Hall Committee for over 15 years and rejoined the Parish Council in 2019. She is keen to help maintain a vibrant community which supports everyone’s needs. With this in mind Jo also manages the village’s email system which she set up some years ago to keep residents informed as to what is happening in Todenham.
James Duckett
/in /by tpc-adminJames has lived in Todenham all his life. He is a fourth generation farmer and therefore his family has been part of the village for around 100 years. James is married to Clare who helps with the running of the farm. They have two young sons who attend local schools.
James has been an active Todenham parish councillor for 10 years, and his practical approach and knowledge of the area and those who live in it are a very valuable asset to the council.
Being a farmer with two young sons leaves James with little spare time, however he enjoys contributing to the village and the community within it.
James’ passion away from the farm is going to most meetings at Cheltenham racecourse, in fact the second part of his lambing season is timed to start only after Gold Cup week.
Cynnie Clifford
/in /by tpc-adminCynnie has lived in the village since 2001 and joined became a Parish Councillor in 2008 She is also vice chair of the Todenham Village Hall Committee.
She became a councillor as she was very keen to ensure the village keeps its roots. She is married to Maurice and is now retired.
She is a country loving person who supports the local farming community with a passion for horses having run a yard for 25 years training point to pointers.